Pediatric traumatology

At Emineo Private Hospital, we welcome children over five years of age who have had an accident at a careless moment in a calm, quiet environment. Child-friendly staff provide an ideal environment for the injured children who are naturally scared, afraid and want to get over treatment as soon as possible. Mildly injured children who do not require serious surgical care, anesthesia, and hospital observation, can be treated well on an outpatient basis without longer waiting times and can be let home quickly.

What diseases or complaints are covered?

Most mildly injured children have musculoskeletal injuries: sprains, bruises, dislocations, fractures with little or no displacement, are the ones that most often require care. At our trauma clinic, we also take care of the frequently occurring soft tissue injuries and wounds. Some childhood injuries are associated with growth failure, but the deformity that is present after trauma may spontaneously improve, heal, or outgrown by the child. In assessing growth prognosis, our doctors with special expertise in pediatric trauma can give opinions and advice.

Possible treatments

In case of fractures, when swelling has subsided, state of the art plastic immobilizers and special braces are used which are more comfortable than conventional plaster casts. Sensolite light therapy treatment, which soon will be available in our clinic, significantly speeds up the healing of soft tissue injuries.

Unfortunately, there are many children with skull injuries. In case of a mild head injury – if there was no loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, somnolence, or confused or agitated behavior – then further action can be decided after a medical examination and observation. According to modern recommendations, a two-way cranial X-ray has to be performed only in special, rare cases. In case of low risk, further observation of the child can be continued at home, that is, the child can be taken home.

If the injury is of greater energy, more severe symptoms were observed, for example, if there was loss of consciousness, convulsions, a toneless period of more than half a minute, nausea, vomiting, somnolence, confused or agitated behavior, then the injury is of higher moderate or severe risk. In all cases, these patients require hospital observation in a hospital with adequate neurosurgery care facilities. Our specialist will then refer our little patient to the pediatric traumatology clinic on duty.

Introduction of video consultation

Even in the epidemiological situation related to the coronavirus, we endeavor to resolve the complaints of our patients and reduce their pain. To this end, we have launched our video consultation service, in which our specialists are at our patients’ service on-line.