Hand surgery – Our most common surgeries
If surgery is necessary, it is performed at Emineo Private Hospital with a modern special hand surgery instrument set, under appropriate magnification if needed and in a bloodless setting. The operation is performed as a one-day procedure, under general anesthesia, nerve block, or local anesthesia. During the 1 to 1.5 hour operation, the intervention is performed from a small incision (with a minimally invasive procedure), that poses a little burden on the body, thus accelerating the recovery period. During the procedure, we restore the original condition of the damaged blood vessels, nerves and tendons.
After surgery, varying amount of pain may occur for 1 or 2 days, depending on the patient. After the amount of pain medication is set and the wound is re-dressed, our physiotherapist will teach the patient the physiotherapy exercises to be performed at home and if everything is alright, the patient is discharged home from our inpatient ward.
To learn more about the symptoms of the disease and possible non-surgical treatments, click here.
What are the steps of aftercare?
After the operation, we recommend complete unloading of the operated hand until the suture is removed (10 days), for which a brace is provided if necessary. Since the surgery is performed as a one-day procedure, the patient can leave the hospital the same day. It is almost always essential to attend physiotherapy and physical therapy for 2 to 3 months after the operation, and for this, we recommend the Rehabilitation Department of Emineo where the physiotherapists are not only generally trained, but also had special training for all types of surgeries performed in our Hospital. Only continuous and correct physiotherapy will support/ensure the improvement of range of motion and the return of muscle strength.
But why is this good for the patient?
With surgery, the pre-accident condition and function of the hand can be restored, or the damage can be significantly improved, which would otherwise limit everyday life and work.
If surgery is necessary, it is performed at Emineo Private Hospital with a modern special hand surgery instrument set, in a bloodless setting. The operation is performed as a one-day procedure, under general anesthesia, nerve block, or local anesthesia. During the 1 to 2-hour operation, the intervention is performed from a small incision (with a minimally invasive procedure), that poses a little burden on the body, thus accelerating the recovery period. During the procedure, we restore the original condition of the broken bones.
After surgery, varying amount of pain may occur for 1 or 2 days, depending on the patient. After the amount of pain medication is set and the wound is re-dressed, our physiotherapist will teach the patient the physiotherapy exercises to be performed at home and if everything is alright, the patient is discharged home from our inpatient ward.
To learn more about the symptoms of the disease and possible non-surgical treatments, click here.
What are the steps of aftercare?
After the operation, we recommend the complete unloading of the operated hand and wrist – it may be extended by the operating surgeon (1 to 6 weeks) – for which a brace is provided if necessary. Since the surgery is performed as a one-day procedure, the patient can leave the hospital the same day. It is always essential to attend physiotherapy and physical therapy for 2 to 3 months after the operation, and for this, we recommend the Rehabilitation Department of Emineo where the physiotherapists are not only generally trained, but also had special training for all types of surgeries performed in our Hospital. Only continuous and correct physiotherapy will support/ensure the improvement of range of motion and the return of muscle strength.
But why is this good for the patient?
With surgery, the pre-accident condition and function of the hand and wrist can be restored, or the damage can be significantly improved, which would otherwise limit everyday life and work.
If surgery is necessary, it is performed at Emineo Private Hospital with a modern special hand surgery instrument set, in a bloodless setting. The operation is performed as a one-day procedure, under general anesthesia, nerve block, or local anesthesia. During the 1 to 2-hour operation, the intervention is performed from a small incision (with a minimally invasive procedure), that poses a little burden on the body, thus accelerating the recovery period. During the procedure, we restore the original condition of the broken bones.
After surgery, varying amount of pain may occur for 1 or 2 days, depending on the patient. After the amount of pain medication is set and the wound is re-dressed, our physiotherapist will teach the patient the physiotherapy exercises to be performed at home and if everything is alright, the patient is discharged home from our inpatient ward.
To learn more about the symptoms of the disease and possible non-surgical treatments, click here.
What are the steps of aftercare?
After the operation, we recommend the complete unloading of the operated hand and wrist – it may be extended by the operating surgeon (1 to 5 weeks) – for which a brace is provided if necessary. Since the surgery is performed as a one-day procedure, the patient can leave the hospital the same day. It is always essential to attend physiotherapy and physical therapy for 2 to 3 months after the operation, and for this, we recommend the Rehabilitation Department of Emineo where the physiotherapists are not only generally trained, but also had special training for all types of surgeries performed in our Hospital. Only continuous and correct physiotherapy will support/ensure the improvement of range of motion and the return of muscle strength.
But why is this good for the patient?
With surgery, the pre-accident condition and function of the hand and wrist can be restored, or the damage can be significantly improved, which would otherwise limit everyday life and work.
If surgery is necessary, it is performed at Emineo Private Hospital with a modern special hand surgery instrument set, in a bloodless setting. The operation is performed as a one-day procedure, under general anesthesia, nerve block, or local anesthesia. During the 30 to 60 minutes operation, the intervention is performed from a small incision (with a minimally invasive procedure), that poses a little burden on the body, thus accelerating the recovery period. During the procedure, the strangulation of the nerve is released.
After surgery, varying amount of pain may occur for 1 or 2 days, depending on the patient. After the amount of pain medication is set and the wound is re-dressed, our physiotherapist will teach the patient the physiotherapy exercises to be performed at home and if everything is alright, the patient is discharged home from our inpatient ward.
To learn more about the symptoms of the disease and possible non-surgical treatments, click here.
What are the steps of aftercare?
After the operation, we recommend the complete unloading of the operated hand and wrist until the suture is removed (10 days), for which a brace is provided if necessary. Since the surgery is performed as a one-day procedure, the patient can leave the hospital the same day. It is always essential to attend physiotherapy and physical therapy for 2 to 3 months after the operation, and for this, we recommend the Rehabilitation Department of Emineo where the physiotherapists are not only generally trained, but also had special training for all types of surgeries performed in our Hospital. Only continuous and correct physiotherapy will support/ensure the improvement of range of motion and the return of muscle strength.
But why is this good for the patient?
With surgery, hand and wrist function can be restored to the level before the disease, and the pain and numbness disappear. As a result, the damage can be significantly improved, which limited everyday life and work.
If surgery is necessary, it is performed at Emineo Private Hospital with a modern special hand surgery instrument set, under magnification and in a bloodless setting. The operation is performed as a one-day procedure, under general anesthesia, nerve block, or local anesthesia. During the 1 to 2-hour operation, the intervention is performed from a small incision (with a minimally invasive procedure), that poses a little burden on the body, thus accelerating the recovery period. During the procedure, we remove the scar bundles, freeing the movement of the fingers.
After surgery, varying amount of pain may occur for 1 or 2 days, depending on the patient. After the amount of pain medication is set and the wound is re-dressed, our physiotherapist will teach the patient the physiotherapy exercises to be performed at home and if everything is alright, the patient is discharged home from our inpatient ward.
To learn more about the symptoms of the disease and possible non-surgical treatments, click here.
What are the steps of aftercare?
After the operation, we recommend the complete unloading of the operated hand and wrist until the suture is removed (10 days), for which a brace is provided if necessary. Since the surgery is performed as a one-day procedure, the patient can leave the hospital the same day. It is always essential to attend physiotherapy and physical therapy for 2 to 3 months after the operation, and for this, we recommend the Rehabilitation Department of Emineo where the physiotherapists are not only generally trained, but also had special training for all types of surgeries performed in our Hospital. Only continuous and correct physiotherapy will support/ensure the improvement of range of motion and the return of muscle strength.
But why is this good for the patient?
Surgery usually restores the condition before the disease and significantly improves finger extensibility. As a result, the pain is eliminated and the deformity can be significantly improved, which has limited everyday life and work.
If surgery is necessary, it is performed at Emineo Private Hospital with a modern special hand surgery instrument set, under magnification and in a bloodless setting. The operation is performed as a one-day procedure, under general anesthesia, nerve block, or local anesthesia. During the 30 to 60 minutes operation, the intervention is performed from a small incision (with a minimally invasive procedure), that poses a little burden on the body, thus accelerating the recovery period. During the procedure, the abnormal cyst is removed.
After surgery, varying amount of pain may occur for 1 or 2 days, depending on the patient. After the amount of pain medication is set and the wound is re-dressed, our physiotherapist will teach the patient the physiotherapy exercises to be performed at home and if everything is alright, the patient is discharged home from our inpatient ward.
To learn more about the symptoms of the disease and possible non-surgical treatments, click here.
What are the steps of aftercare?
After the operation, we recommend the complete unloading of the operated hand and wrist – it may be extended by the operating surgeon (1 to 4 weeks) – for which a brace is provided if necessary. Since the surgery is performed as a one-day procedure, the patient can leave the hospital the same day. It is always essential to attend physiotherapy and physical therapy for 2 to 3 months after the operation, and for this, we recommend the Rehabilitation Department of Emineo where the physiotherapists are not only generally trained, but also had special training for all types of surgeries performed in our Hospital. Only continuous and correct physiotherapy will support/ensure the improvement of range of motion and the return of muscle strength.
But why is this good for the patient?
With the operation, the abnormal cyst can be permanently removed, and the limited mobility and pain caused by it can be eliminated, which limited everyday life and work.
Amennyiben műtétre kerül sor azt az Emineo Magánkórházban modern speciális kézsebészeti műszerkészlettel, nagyítás alatt, vértelenségben végzünk el. Az operációt egynapos beavatkozás keretében, altatásban, idegblokáddal vagy helyi érzéstelenítéssel történik. A 0,5-1 órás operáció során kis feltárásból (minimál invazív eljárással), a szervezetet alig terhelve, végezzük el a beavatkozást, meggyorsítva ezzel a gyógyulás időszakát. A beavatkozás során eltávolítjuk a kóros cisztát.
A műtét után egyénfüggően, különböző mértékű fájdalom jelentkezhet általában 1-2 napig. A fájdalomcsillapító szintjének beállítása és a seb átkötése után, gyógytornászunk még a betegszobában betanítja a javasolt gyógytornát és ha minden rendben, fekvőbeteg osztályunkról hazabocsátjuk páciensünket.
Ha többet szeretne tudni a betegség tüneteiről és lehetséges nem műtéti gyógyítási módszerekről, kattintson ide.
Melyek az utókezelés lépései?
A műtét után a varratszedésig az operált kéz-csukló teljes tehermentesítését javasoljuk, melyet a szakorvos akár a továbbiakban is előírhat (1-4 hét), melyhez szükség esetén rögzítőt
biztosítunk. A műtétet egynapos sebészeti beavatkozás során végezve el, a beteg még aznap elhagyhatja a kórházat. A műtét után két-három hónapig gyógytorna és fizioterápiás kezelés mindig elengedhetetlen, mely esetében az Emineo Rehabilitációs részlegét javasoljuk, ahol a gyógytornászok nemcsak általános képzettséggel rendelkeznek, de minden nálunk végzett műtét típusunkra speciálisan ki lettek képezve. Csak a folyamatos és helyes gyógytorna és fizioterápiás kezelés segíti/biztosítja a mozgástartomány növelését és az izomerő visszatérését.
De miért jó ez a betegnek? A műtéttel véglegesen eltávolítható a kóros ciszta, illetve megszüntethető az általa okozott mozgáskorlátozottság és fájdalom, melyek korlátozták a mindennapi életben, munkavégzésben.