Adult ultrasound

What is it used for?

Articular, abdominal, pelvic, thyroid, soft tissue, lower limb and cervical vascular ultrasound are performed at a pre-booked time at Emineo Private Hospital. It is the advantage of ultrasound scans that it does not contain any harmful radiation, accurately displays the condition of soft tissues (bladder, kidney, liver, stomach, intestines), may show ligament injuries in the joints, articular fluid accumulation, any cartilage injuries and it easily detects any stone diseases.

How is the scan done?

The examination device emits ultrasound beams towards the organ to be examined, which it absorbs or reflects to varying degrees in accordance with its characteristics. The resulting image is analyzed and displayed by a computer. The ultrasound scan is evaluated by a specialist radiologist in our clinic. The patient can continuously see the ultrasound image on a monitor and the doctor performing the examination will provide detailed information about what is seen. Abdominal ultrasound examination is performed in the morning hours. This is because a full bladder better aids in the accurate diagnosis of abdominal organs (joint, thyroid, soft tissue, lower limb, and cervical vascular ultrasound can be done at any time of the day).

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Pediatric ultrasound

Why is it important?

From the age of six weeks, it is recommended to screen infants and children so that any abnormalities can be detected and then treated in time. The test is especially recommended for premature babies.

What is it used for?

During the painless examination, the structure of the brain, the position of the ventricles, possible cysts and anatomical changes are monitored. The infant ultrasound screening program includes ultrasound scans of the skull, abdomen, and hip. In infants, the skull bones have not yet fused together, so ultrasound cranial screening can be performed through the large fontanel on the top of the head until the age of six months. Abdominal ultrasound screening provides information on the condition of the liver, spleen, gallbladder, intestines, pancreas, pelvic organs and kidneys. The examination also reveals the structure, size and function of the abdominal vessels. In the case of young boys, the position of the undescended testicles can also be determined. By ultrasound screening cartilage surfaces can also be visualized, therefore a dislocated hip can be detected reliably from the age of six weeks to the age of six months.

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