
What is radiography used for?

Radiography (x-ray) is an appropriate method for analyzing bone and joint abnormalities and the diagnosis of fractures and dislocations. Digital technology also allows us to examine the shadows of soft parts. Since the angular deviations of the limb axes can also be measured with our device, we can also accurately determine the axial deviations of the lower limbs. With the stress view of the joints, we can identify possible ligament injuries. We can take and x-ray from any part of the body and our patients will receive the recordings on a CD, so the results can be analyzed on any computer later.

Röntgenvizsgálat Emineo Magánkórház

What do you need to know about this examination?

In our private hospital, x-rays are taken only in justified cases, only if the specialist deems it absolutely necessary.  There is also an option to ask us to take an x-ray if your doctor does not have an own X-ray machine. Without a referral from a specialist or without the prior examination of our own specialist, we will not be able to take an X-ray! We always inform our lady patients in detail before the examination that radiography may be harmful for the unborn child if they are pregnant!

All recordings are recorded and properly documented in accordance with the Hungarian law.

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