Complex cardiological examination

Why is screening necessary?

Cardiovascular diseases affect a significant portion of the population and are among the leading causes of death. The most common underlying causes are inappropriate diet, sedentary and unhealthy lifestyles, and late-diagnosed or untreated diseases. With attention, a healthier lifestyle, regular screening and proper treatment, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and coronary heart disease can be prevented or avoided. So, it’s worth having an examination every one or two years, to avoid major trouble.

What is the purpose of a cardiological examination?

At Emineo Private Hospital, we perform a complex cardiac screening. The aim of this is to detect cardiovascular diseases at such an early stage when they do not yet cause a complaint or symptom, so that treatment can prevent the onset of symptoms or the development of the disease.

How it is done?

Our screening program includes reviewing the patient’s medical history, mapping diseases in his/her family, physical examination focusing on the cardiovascular system, taking blood pressure, a 12-lead resting ECG, and a blood test. If it is necessary after screening, it is possible to perform additional diagnostic tests in our private medical institution, even immediately. Cardiac ultrasound, stress ECG, 24-hour Holter ECG, or 24-hour ABPM (blood pressure monitoring) further help to investigate early symptoms that were recognized by the cardiologist. These optional additional tests are not included in the price of the screening test.

Who should have this screening?

Those who have cardiovascular disease, live an especially stressful life, have a medical problem, or play sports competitively. Screening should also be used for those who have a family history of coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, as they are more likely to develop these diseases. Diabetics as well as smokers are especially advised to undergo our cardiac screening as they are more likely to have cardiovascular problems.

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